Glenn Fulfer, Salinas Monument, NPS

It seems hard to believe that the Lake County Astronomical Society has been enjoying the night sky from Gran Quivira for twenty-five years.

We first came there in 1986 to observe the famous Comet Halley, and we have been privileged ever since to enjoy the hospitality offered by the Salinas National Monument unit of the National Park Service. Over that period, we have come to know many fine employees of the Park Service and to number you among our friends.

As a small token of our appreciation, the club would like to present you with our Lake Sky award, which is presented to individuals and organizations that have shown extraordinary support to amateur astronomy. It has also been our pleasure to bring the science of astronomy to the public through star parties held periodically at Gran Quivira.

We look forward to continuing our mutual friendship for years to come.

Tom Frazier
President, Lake County Astronomical Society
Lake County, Illinois