Gallery Quick Start

The gallery is located at the following URL:

You may start there or later, link directly to your personal gallery. First, log in with the username and password that was provided to you. If you need an account created, please contact me at

Once logged in, browse to your gallery by going to "Member Galleries" where you'll see a gallery with your name on it.

If you're a member of a permissioned user-group, you'll also have priviliges on other galleries.

When you move the mouse over your name, the menu will appear. This is where you manage most of the options and images in your personal gallery.

Personal Information

Once logged in, click on your name

Then you may update your information.

You will be able to edit the following:
Display name on your gallery
URL - this is a link to an outside website
Email - any email address

You will not be able to change the username that you log in with. If you need to change it, I can do that for you.


  • Please do not upload large numbers of huge images. The system may bog down while trying to resize some images while uploading others.
  • Please be respectful of other people's time. No one wants to browse through a dozen images that are almost exactly the same.
  • The gallery is intended to be used for astronomical & club related images.
  • The "Tag" is the same as a Keyword. Those can be set by typing the word/words in the tag field, then select the files you want uploaded & tagged.
  • Once an image is uploaded you may go back and change just about any aspect of the image. (Name, tags, orientation)
  • If you can't "do" anything in a gallery...upload, edit, etc. you probably don't have the right authorization. Contact me if you think you should.
  • Guests may upload only to specific galleries.
  • Your name will appear on uploaded images as long as you're logged in as 'you' when you upload them.
  • Enjoy the system! If you get stuck, please email me at

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