Michael Purcell

April, 2012

For the past 29 years Michael Purcell has not only been a member of LCAS, but a very active member. Michael has served as both President and Program Chairman. He was a critical member of the LCAS Tenabo Archeoastronomy team in 1986. Michael has been a constant and continual contributor to club outreach activities over the past 27 years, most recently taking on the responsibilities of the AUTCL Event Coordinator.

I think one of the most significant contributions that Michael has made to the club... let me restate that... one of the top contributions that perhaps any member has made to the club, was the establishment, and 16 year management of the club's web site and web page. Our web page has been the face of this club, and often the welcome sign to bring in new members. Whenever I have asked for additions to the web site, Michael took care of it, and did a great job.

The Lake County Astronomical Society, hereby grants to Michael Purcell a 'lifetime membership' in the Lake County Astronomical Society, in recognition for his magnitude of contributions to LCAS, to her members and to the public of Lake County, Illinois.

The members and officers of the Lake County Astronomical Society are providing Michael with a 'Stellar Designation'.

Michael, henceforth, for your brothers and sisters of LCAS, your Stellar Designation is...

"Michael 'Azha' Purcell"

Azha, also known as Eta Eridani, is a 3.89 magnitude orange giant star. The rough translation of Azha is 'the hatching place'. Michael created a 'hatching place' when he set up our website, and maintained our nest for over 16 years. Over those years, our nest has been the source of many of the new members to our flock. The constellation 'Eridanus', by the way, is where Michael's star Azha resides. I don't know if this is coincidental or not, but that's the constellation with the planet Vulcan, which orbits 40 Eridani A... perhaps Michael is a Star Trek fan?

Congratulations Michael!

Michael Purcell