The Lake County Astronomical Society
Lake County, Illinois
For the Public
Beginner's Corner
LCAS January Meeting - Swap Meet and Show
Volo Bog
Jan 17, 2025
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Website Login
Beginners's Column
Beginning Astronomy
Getting a Start in Astronomy
The "Best" Starter Instrument
Buying Your First Telescope
The Care and Feeding of a Telescope
Your Eyepiece Collection
Educational Opportunity
Help... I'm New Here!
Exposé of a Telescope Ad
A Newbie's Telescope Quality Check
The Novice's Guide to Star Party Equipment
A Short History of the Telescope
Do All Objects in Space Rotate?
Telescope Thoughts
A 4-inch Refractor and Mount
Achromats and Apochromats
Aligning My SCT
Baffling Reflections
Balancing a Dobsonian
Build or Buy a Telescope?
Building a Telescope?
Bigger Is Not Always Better
Build Your Own Equatorial Mount?
Caressing Your Mirror
A Case Study on Cheap Telescopes
Cleaning Telescope Optics: The Pros' View...
Comparing Refractors
The Coronado PST
Center-Spotting a Secondary
Cleaning Lenses and Mirrors
Cleaning Eyepieces
Collimating a Newtonian with an Offset Secondary Mirror
Counterbalancing a Telescope
(Fairly) Painless Polar Aligning
Finessing the "VolksDob"
Fixing a Pesky CG5 Mount
Focuser Upgrades
Good Looking Scopes
Good Old Wood
How Large a Telescope?
Laser Collimators
Looking down the Focuser Mystery
Looking Over the Edge
Marketing Hype
Meade Lightbridge Review
The Monetary Side of a Telescope
Mountings: Equatorial vs. Altazimuth
The Most from your Scope
My Ideal Telescope
Newtonian Secondary Offset?
Not All Telescopes are Created Equal
Orion XT12 IntelliScope Review
The Perfect Telescope
Porter Turret Telescopes
Push Your Scope to the Max!
Pyrex or not Pyrex
The Refractor: Now That's a
Really Portable Telescopes
The Russians Are Coming!
Schmidt-Cassegrain and Maksutov-Cassegrain
The Seduction of Aperture
Seeking an "Ideal" Telescope
Some Orion-Brand Eyepieces ... and Others
Small Scope Saga
Stretching your Telescope
TeleVue 102 Refractor Telescope Review
Telescope Economics
Upgrading a PST
Why own so Many Telescopes?
XT8 Equipment Review
LX90 Equipment Review
Your Basic "Copyscope"
Barlow vs Eyepiece
The Best Nebula Eyepieces
Best Planetary Eyepieces
Binocular Viewers
Checking Out Lens Coatings
Choosing Eyepieces: Part 1
Choosing Eyepieces: Part 2
Cold Eyepiece Fogging?
Diagonally Speaking
Ditching the Star Diagonal
Do Zoom Eyepieces Really Work?
An Electronic Eyepiece
Eyepiece Actual Fields of View
Eyepieces in the Cold
The Good Old Plossl Eyepiece
Improving Barlow Lens Performance
Low-tech Focusing Mount
The Magnification Game
Filters and Focus Shift
More stuff About Eyepieces
Multiply Your Eyepieces with a Barlow Lens
New Versions of Old Eyepieces
Pushcart Operation
The "Reverse" Crayford Focuser
What's Inside an Eyepiece?
Wide Field Eyepieces
Astrochair Review
Baader Violet Multi-Band Filter
A Balanced GEM
A Barndoor Tracker
Bracket Time
Buying Astronomy Stuff
Colors through a Nebula Filter
A Convenient Mirror Mount
Howie Glatter Laser Collimator
In Praise of Dew Zappers
Product Review: Kendrick Observing Tent
Nebula Filter Suggestions
"Scotty, I need more power!"
Setting Circles - Curious Things
Setting Circles? Q & A
Star Atlas Reviews
StarBound Observing Chair
The (Y2K Compliant) Sundial
Take Me Out to the Tripod Game
A Temporary Scope Shelter
Tools for Collimation
The Value of a Chamfer
Navigating the Sky
DSO Locating Devices
Finding Some Old Friends
FOV Star-Hopping
So How Do You Find Things
Computer Assistance?
What's All This Stuff About Coordinates?
Will Star-Hopping Become a Lost Art?
About Aperture Fever
Antares Twist-Lock Adapter
The Aperture Ailment
Aperture Lust
In the Astronomy Department
Apodizing Masks?
Atlas of Deep Sky Splendors
Back to Basics: Astronomy Unplugged
Book Review: The Caldwell Objects
Breaking the Lens Coating Code
Cheap Astronomy - The Case Against Kits
Choosing an LCD Monitor
Cruddy Things on Optics
Decisions, Decisions
Definition and Light Grasp:
Can You Afford Both?
An End to Cold Fingers?
Getting a Better View:
Quality of Today's Newtonian Optics
Green Light or Red?
How Optical Coatings Work
Book Review: Illustrated Guide to Astronomical Wonders
A Short History of Lens Coatings
In Search of Perfect Happiness
Oldest Optical Device?
Optics in Cold Weather
More on Optics in Cold Weather
Much Ado About Dew
Quality is Important, but…What About Price/Performance?
Scratches and Pinholes Oh My!
TeleVue Quality
Temperature Changes and Optics
Time to Re-coat your Mirror?
The Universe from your Backyard
Unusual Astronomy Equipment
A Visit to Coronado Instruments
Binoculars Abound!
Garrett Optical - 100mm F5.3 45° Binocular Telescope
Misaligned Binoculars
Shopping for Binoculars
Observing Column
Achieving the Unexpected
Albedo Effects
The Alpha Persei Association
An Anonymous Dark Nebula
Another Take on Night Vision
An Unfamiliar Lyra
Appreciating the Little Things
Are Today's Skies That Much Worse than they used to Be?
Atmospherics: Seeing and Transparency
A Trip to the North Pole
The Asterism Game
Autumn: The Second Galaxy Season
Avoiding the Obvious in Auriga
Baade's Window
Batting 1000
Better Night Vision
Cassiopeia Clusters
Centaurus A
Chasing Numbers
Cloudy Night Astronomy
The Cocoon Nebula
Colorful DSOs
The Coolest Stars
Cosmographic Observing
Crossing the Meridian
Crystalline Winter Nights
Dark Matters
Dealing with Light Pollution (pdf)
Deep Seeing
The Deep Sky Through a Small Instrument
Describing a Galaxy
Directions? Don't need 'em
Epsilon Lyrae: The Double-Double Test
Evaluating an Observing Site
Experiences with High Power Viewing
Experiments in Spectroscopy
The Eye Of God
Eyeballing Big Game Nebulas
Fair Air for Observing
A Favorite DSO
A Few Mistakes I've Made
Gathering up a Few Open Clusters
The Globulars of Summer
The Good Ol' Double Cluster
Hey, Don't Stick With Just the "Usual" Stuff!
On the Horns of Taurus
Impressions of a Night Sky Unaffected by Light Pollution
An Introduction to Nebulae
Light Site Viewing - Part 1
Light Site Viewing - Part 2
Light Site Viewing - Part 3
Limits are Meant to be Broken
Lists, Lists, Lists
Looking Up, Down Under
Observing Galaxy Clusters
The "Other" Horizon
M4 - An Early Summer Globular
M24 - "Neighboring" Arm
Visual Primer on M31
M33 - Big and Faint
Make the Best of Winter
More Shapely Star Clusters
Observing Addiction
Observing the Planets
Observing the Southern Sky
Perseid Viewing
The Pleiades Rising
Rambling on about our Expanding Universe
The Raspberry Nebula
Record What You See
Ringtail Galaxies: NGC 4038/9
Rock Collecting
Shapely Star Clusters
Shooting Out Your Back Door
Showpieces of the Sky
Side-by-Side Galaxies
So What Can That Telescope See?
Sorting Out Stephan's Quintet
Splitting Porrima
A Stand-in for Albireo
A Starry Calendar
Telescopeless Observing
The Triffid Nebula
Thermals or Atmospherics?
Tools of the Trade
"True Dark" Skies
Two Great Globulars
Two More Observing Issues
UV Aurigae
What's that Dark Strip on the Eastern Horizon after Sunset?
Why Are Emission Nebulae (Mostly) Colored Red?
The Sun
Can Sunspots Predict Solar Flares?
Observe the Sun!
The Eleven Year Sunspot Cycle
Coronal Mass Ejection from the Sun
The Maunder Minimum
More on Solar Observing
Things Flung From The Sun
Questions on Solar Observing
The Sun-Aurora Connection
The Moon
The Cat in the Moon
Directions on the Moon
Full Moon Sights
A Lunar Atlas on Your PC
The Moon Illusion
A Different View
Alpine Valley
Aristarchus & Vallis Schroteri
Chains of Craterlets
Crater Hopping
Crater Gassendi
A Curious Lunar Spot
The Eastern Shore of Serenity
First Quarter
The Five-Day-Old Moon: Burg, Hercules and Atlas
The Five-Day-Old Moon: Theophilus, Cyrillus and Catharina
Full Moon = No Shadows
Getting to Know the Moon
Lunar Atlases
Lunar Challenge: Catena Davy
Lunar Challenge: The Davy Crater Chain
Mare Imbrium
Oh No ... A Full Moon!
Plato Revisited
The Rheita Valley Area
Rills and Walls
Sagging Craters?
Tour Guides Wanted
Tycho and LTP's
The Planets
Current Theory on the Formation of the Solar System - Part 1
Current Theory on the Formation of the Solar System - Part 2
Current Theory on the Formation of the Solar System - Part 3
Current Theory on the Formation of the Solar System - Part 4
The Future of the Earth
Get Ready For Mars!
The Green Flash of Venus!
Jupiter and its Moons
Moons…Moons Everywhere!
Nomenclature of Jovian Features
Planetary Systems Without Stars?
Is Pluto An Escaped Satellite of Neptune?
Pluto not a major planet? Oh say it isn't so!
The Red (Hot?) Planet
The Satellites of Jupiter
Saturn's Rings - GONE!
Shadow Transits on Saturn
The Shallow Sky: The Domain of the Amateur
The Thing Called "Chiron"
Tips on Observing Jupiter
Touring Saturn's Rings
Why Don't Planets Twinkle?
Observing Trips
12th Annual Nebraska Star Party
The 16th Annual Twin Lake Star Party
Cabo-Style Observing!
Eastern Iowa Star Party
Kitt Peak Astronomy Trip
Lick Observatory
New Mexico Observing Trip March 28 through April 9, 2008
Night in the Tropics
Northwoods Starfest
Observations at Gran Quivira
Observatory Visit - Leif Everson Observatory
Observing in the Southwest
Observing Sites in the Southwest
Rocky Mountain Star Stare 2008
Texas Star Party Review
Tough Roads
Trip Report: Powder Mill
What I Did on My Summer Vacation
Everything Else
Armchair Observing on the Web
Astronomy Freeware
Cheap Astronomy: Better than "cheap"
Free Lunar Atlas Software
Holding the Sky in your Hand
Home Planet - A Software Review
Laptop Power Efficiency
More "Sky in your Hand"
Pempro V2 - PEC Software and More
Sky Tools 3
Your Own Deep Sky Database
Astrophotography 101: Photographing the Moon
Are You Ready for CCD Astrophotography?
Building a Flat Field Light Box
Camera/Telescope Combinations
Capturing Details Digitally
Color Issues in Digicam Astrophotography
Digital Camera Imaging
Digital Camera Imaging - Part 2
Flats and CCD Imaging
Hartman Mask
Introduction to Robotic Astronomy - Part I
Introduction to Robotic Astronomy - Part II
Lunar Imaging Basics - Part I
Lunar Imaging Basics - Part II
Lunar Imaging: Beyond Basics Part I
Lunar Imaging: Beyond Basics Part II
Mastering the Dark (Frames)
Less is More: Narrowband Imaging
Oh say, can you CCD?
Pictures on a Budget
Pixel Wars: Size
Shooting The Sky
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel
Sir Hermann Bondi
John Brashear
Eleanor Margaret Peachey Burbidge
Heber Curtis
Audouin Dollfus
Giovanni Donati
Frank Drake
Henry Draper
John Louis Emil Dreyer
Frank Dyson
Johann Franz Encke
Georgi Antonovich Gamow
Cecilia Payne Gaposchkin
Karl Friedrich Gauss
David Gill
George Ellery Hale
Robert Hanbury-Brown
Johannes Franz Hartmann
Stephen Hawking
Chushiro Hayashi
George Howard Herbig
Johannes Hevelius
Anthony Hewish
Milton Humason
Karl Jansky
Thomas Jefferson
Alfred Harrison Joy
James E. Keeler
Charles Kowal
Gerard Kuiper
Paul Ledoux and Albert König
Georges Edouard Lemaitre
Bernard Lyot
Adriaan Van Maanen
Nevil Maskelyne
Christian Mayer
Johan Mayer
Charles Messier
Gerald Neugebauer
Ernst Öpik
Theodore von Oppolzer
Roger Penrose
Edward C. Pickering
Grote Reber
Ole Christensen Romer
Bruno Rossi
Henry Norris Russell
Lewis Morris Rutherford
Christoph Scheiner
Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli
Martin Schwarzschild
Angelo Secchi
Carl Seyfert
Vesto Slipher
F. G. Smith
James South
Joel Stebbins
James A. Van Allen
F. G. W. von Struve
Otto Wilhelm (Otto Vasilievich) von Struve
Ernst Wilhelm Leberecht Tempel
Gérard Henri De Vaucouleurs
Hermann Carl Vogel
Boris Aleksandrovich Vorontsov-Vel'iaminov
Charles Augustus Young
Yukov Zel'dovitch
So you are thinking of buying a Telescope...
Get To Know Connie
Moon Globe
Meet "Dobbie"
An Illustrated View of Star-Hopping versus Electronics
Bud and Lou Talk Telescopes
Laws of Infernal Dynamics
Clearly, not "Fair" Weather!
Defining Terms Used in Marketing New High-Tech Telescopes
HAL Resurrected
The International Number Registry
Know Your Audience
The Message
The New LCAS Skymap
The New Unabridged LCAS Observer's Dictionary
The Odd Behavior of Astronomy Junkies
Perplexing Questions
The "True" Nature of Light
The Y Zero K Problem
You Might NOT Be An Astronomer If You Think That...
Your Starship Captain Might be a Redneck if...
Amateur Astronomy's Future
And You Think You Have it Rough!
Archaeoastronomy in Illinois - Woodhenge
Orbits Elliptical?
Astronomy, Astrology, and the Star of Bethlehem
Astronomy Is Where You Find It
The Atmosphere Rules!
The Backyard Legion
Billions and Billions
Church Buildings as Sundials
Communicating With Martians
Comparing Light Pollution
Digital Sky
Deep Sky Object Designations
Did Newton Invent the Newtonian?
Are You Afflicted with DRL's?
Early History of the Telescope Part I: In the Beginning…
Early History of the Telescope Part II: Enter the Reflector
Early History of the Telescope Part III: Refractor vs Reflector
Easter Cookies and Calendars
Guidelines For Star Naming
The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
A History of "Once in a Blue Moon"
Hubble Compared with New Ground-Based Optical Telescopes
Internet e-groups
Lagrangian Points
Leap Second to be Added This Year
Mass Extinctions and the Yarkovsky Effect
The Mayan Calendar
Messier's Hit List
Mirror Reversal?
MMT…Before and After
Modest Equipment Dedication
New Horizons
Our Galaxy's Black Heart
Of Gods and Men
On the Mature Observer
Our Universe & Beyond: Truth Stranger than Fiction?
The Pioneer Spacecraft
Professional "Observers"
Roman War Horses and the Space Shuttle
Satellites of Minor Planets
Science and Non-science on the Internet
"Serious" Astronomy
SETI: Checking the Waterhole
Strange Stars
A Tale of Two Musicians
A Tale of Two Telescopes
The Tears of St. Lawrence: The Perseids
Telescope History - The Cave Optical Company
Touring New Mexico's Astronomy-Related Sites
Unidentified Random Thoughts
Update on Astigmatism of the Eye
Water World
What is Light?
What Color is your Shadow?
Whither the Weather?
Women and Astronomy
The Winter Star Party: So Much More Than Stars
Yerkes Log: Barnard and the Bruce Camera
Yerkes Log: Burnham and Double Stars
Yerkes Log: Measuring Stellar Distances
You're Never Too Old
Your Eyes: Key to Observing