Upgrades to the 4m Blanco and Mayall telescopes for DES and DESI

Volo Bog
28478 W. Brandenburg Road, Ingleside

Feb 21, 2025
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

In this talk Dr. Gaston Gutierrez will describe the upgrade to the 4-meter Blanco telescope for the Dark Energy Survey experiment (DES), and the upgrade to the 4-meter Mayall telescope for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument collaboration (DESI). These telescopes are respectively located in La Serena, Chile, and in Kitt Peak, Arizona. He will also describe the scientific goals of both the DES and the DESI collaborations."

Dr. Gutierrez has been at Fermilab since 1983. He worked as a High Energy physicist for half of his career, doing things like building the D0 fiber tracker and making precise measurements of the mass of the top quark. About fifteen years ago he became very interested in the mysterious “Dark Energy” and switch fields to Cosmology. Since then he has participated in the upgrades to the Blanco and the Mayall 4-meter telescopes. His main interest in Cosmology is in the evolution of the Large Scale Structure in the Universe in general, and Weak Gravitational Lensing in particular.”

Normal Meeting Schedule
7:30-8:30 Business Meeting
8:30-9:45 Free Program
9:45-10:30 Outside Observing (weather permitting)
Meeting agenda subject to change to accomodate special events.
Volo Bog
Volo Bog Visitor's Center

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