LCAS Meeting Site
From Route 12, take Sullivan Lake Road west to Brandenburg Road, then north to the entrance of Volo Bog State Natural Area. (There are a number of signs pointing the way to Volo Bog.) The visitor center is in a large converted barn on a hill to the south of the large parking lot. Also note that from now on, the start time of the meetings will be 7:30 PM.
The meeting format is:
- 7:30 - 8:15 Business meeting
- 8:30 - 9:30 Public Astronomy program
- 9:30 - .... Public Star Party (if weather permits)
Also see: Illinois Dept of Natural Resources description of the Volo Bog site.
28478 W. Brandenburg Road
Ingleside, IL 60041
815.344.1294The GPS coordinates are:
- Lon = -88.1884 88:11:18.24W
- Lat = +42.3524 42:21:08.64N